
Danny Skeel

A Guitar player, a vocalist.....lover of all thing music

Danny Skeel, was born Daniel Skeel in the Lexington KY. At a young age his family relocated to Pensacola Fl, where he first remembered being influenced by music. As he tells it, he would go to sleep at night with his father(Dan Skeel) plating old Mississippi John Hurt songs on the guitar,  by the third grade Danny was listening to his hero's (Prince and Gun's N Roses) which set him on the course to a future in music.


As a teen Danny was a big into skateboarding and as a result he was always getting injured. During one of the injuries Danny tore his knee apart ending his future in skateboarding but allowing him to fully immerse himself in guitar. During the rehabilitation to his knee, Danny picked up an old guitar his father had acquired during college as well as a "Introduction to Electric Guitar" book by Peter Vogel. This would lead to hours of practice, hours of rehearsals, to learn to play lie his hero's......something he is still trying to achieve. But, s years would progress, Danny started to learn the music business, going from acoustic duo's (Front Porch) to playing solo down in Myrtle Beach, to starting his first Band called TCU.  While in TCU, Danny learned a lot about the music industry and how to make a living.

From there, he would leave TCU to join the Marsha Morgan band, where he a met what would turn out to be a true friend of his by the name of David Austin. Danny learned a lot about the work ethic needed to be in a successful band, and a successful musician. Upon leaving Marsha's band Danny headed back to NC to start his new band which came to be known as Jukebox Revolver, originally it was going to contain Dave, but unfortunately that wouldn't come to be, but it led him to Wilton Hailey and eventually to their current basis Jeff Hatley. With Jeff on board Jukebox Revolver played and still plays amazing shows......check them out at (jukebox

During Covid, Danny picked Back up his acoustic, and started watching videos of acoustic musicians using loopers leading him to pick up a looper once again(He owned one when he started playing guitar but never really knew how to use them) and it lead him to his current solo shows which he plays during the week, one the weekend he plays almost exclusively with Jukebox Revolver. to find out here Danny is playing going I'm on all social media account as well as joining his mailing list both here and with his band band at jukebox 


He hopes to see you soon at a show near you